
Tomatoes Benefit for Prostate Health

More and more medical studies indicate that the antioxidants in vegetables,  particularly tomatoes and broccoli, can lower prostate cancer risk, while foods  with animal fats increase risk. While ongoing studies are still assessing the  value of antioxidant supplements, food scientists say they are already  comfortable advocating that men eat a more vegetable-based diet to lower their  risk of prostate cancer, not to mention heart disease and colon cancer.

There is also growing observational evidence that both tomato and broccoli  consumption helps reduce risk of prostate cancer. In the tomato products,  attention has focused on nutrients called carotenoids (Carotenoids are a highly colored - red, orange, and yellow - group of fat-soluble plant pigments), particularly lycopene (the major red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes) 

In broccoli, a  number of sulfur compounds are thought to detoxify carcinogens. Both of these  are thought to benefit prostate health. Nutritionist familiar with prostate  health recommend seven to ten servings of tomatoes and tomato based products a  week, which is still only one serving a day. When counting tomato juices and raw  tomatoes and ever popular pasta products, that is not difficult to reach this  level. In fact, most men get more than one serving when they consume pasta or  even pizza. It’s that easy.

Preparation matters! Carotenoids are very poorly absorbed from raw foods, so  some heating really helps bring out the benefits. Consumption with a little  healthy fat helps, too. For example take beta-carotene from carrots. Eating a  carrot raw leads to 1 or 2 percent beta-carotene absorption. Steaming those  carrots a little bit and add a little bit of oil in there, you'll get much more  absorption of the beneficial carotenoids. 

The same is true for tomatoes. By  overcooking tomatoes, for example, by simmering a tomato sauce for hours, you’ll  begin to break down the lycopene. Everything in moderation please!

Nutrients in foods can lower risk of prostate cancer. In observational  studies and clinical trials there are suggestions that higher consumption of  vitamin E and selenium lower prostate cancer risk. Vitamin E is found in basic  plant foods, including nuts, vegetables, vegetable oils, as well as egg yolks.  Vitamin E is also in most breakfast cereals because it is added when  manufacturers fortify it. 

The metallic trace element selenium comes into plants  from the soil, so it's in grains such as wheat, barley, hops, and rice. There is  also some selenium from animal foods products, because the food animals also  consume these grain.

For more information visit: http://www.prostacet.com/